What is A.C.E?
Compass Christian Academy uses Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E.) as the basis of education. This will be supplemented with various curricula at the direction of the Administration.
The educational concept of Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E.) was built on five basic laws of learning:
The student must be placed on a level of curriculum where he/she can best perform
The student must set reasonable and appropriate goals that can be achieved in a reasonable and prescribed period of time.
The student must receive motivation through encouragement and support and achieve control through guidance and discipline in order to assimilate, use, and experience the educational material.
The student's learning must have appropriate measurement applied to the results.
The student's learning must receive recognition and reward for its value, effort, and significance.
A solid,
back-to-basics education for their child(ren).
A course of study individualized to meet a child's
specific needs and learning capabilities.
A program incorporating Godly character-building and wisdom principles.
What Makes A.C.E Different?

Did You Know?
A.C.E has held to these goals since their beginning, and one result from that has been that students often score significantly higher on national standardized achievement tests than
their counterparts in conventional schools.
Every person and every system of education displays a particular understanding of reality that is reflected in its educational philosophy. The educational philosophy of the Accelerated Christian Education curriculum and program is distinct and clear in its beliefs.
God is the authoritative source for all knowledge; and God shapes the Christian’s view of reality with regard to time, matter, and humankind. The Bible is the ultimate Truth and is the interpretive system used in the A.C.E. curriculum to understand God, time, matter, and humanity as given to us in the Bible.
With this comes three tenants of A.C.E.'s educational philosophy that apply to how God designed your child and how he/she should be treated.
Every child is unique with vast potential, but dependent on others for spiritual, physical, mental, and behavioral development. Therefore, a student who enrolls in Compass Christian Academy (CCA) should be educated as a whole child and that education should be based upon a Biblical worldview.
Education should be available to all children. Compass Christian Academy will therefore endeavor to expand its educational opportunities to parents and children of all abilities and all racial, economic, and cultural backgrounds who desire this educational base and are willing to accept the school’s standards.
Every child develops at a unique, individual pace based upon his or her
developmental level, learning patterns, motivation, and academic potential. The CCA program is designed and prescribed to assist each student to achieve a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, to develop a Christ-like character, to lay a strong academic foundation, and to realize his/her optimum potential for maturation physically, spiritually, and mentally.
Our Lil' Navigators are our K-1st graders. In this class, they will have their own Lead Supervisor who will help guide them through the PACEs alongside their classroom monitors.
To see what your Lil' Navigator needs in the classroom, take a look at our School Supplies.
For more information like classroom supplies, class schedule, and more, take a look at our school handbook: CCA Handbook
To apply to enroll a Kindergartner or 1st grader today, visit our Admissions tab.

Our Navigators are our 2nd-12th graders. In this class, they will have their own Lead Supervisor who will help guide them through the PACEs alongside their classroom monitors.
To see what your Navigator needs in the classroom, take a look at our School Supplies.
For more information take a look at our school handbook: CCA Handbook
To apply to enroll a 2nd-12th grader today, visit our Admissions tab.